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Ahmoi Cantek, Tanak Usha Ke ?

Assalamualaikum and Hye Guys :)

wahhhhhh dalam satu hari sampai 2 entry aku buad ehk , huhuu salu sebulan satu pon payah. actually, today ( i mean tonight ) i'm gonna write something about my GFF . yeahhhh this person gonna be stay and last forever in my minds and hearts. insyaAllah... die sgt sgt sgt lah bahekkkk . she soo oo oo o ooo nice and caring about me . yeahhh juga sangat cantik okayh . hmmm hihi :)

die lah kawan sekepale aku , tempat aku nak gesel gesel montot , pakwe tidur sebantal , everything we do everything we had to face everything we share we always gonna be stick together . kalau aku susah die nanges, kalau aku happy die ketawe, and goes same to me.

kitorg neh actually byk sgt persamaan. we both Anak Tunggal . clap ur hand. hihihi. ape yg ade dlm kepale die sume ade dlm kepale aku . xpaham? maksodnye kitorg neh satu kepale lahhhhhh :P kitorg mmg xleh bjumpe, ade je yg nak g kepochii kan. sengal same same, mengong same same, taste same same. wahhhh banyak lahhh yg same . and for sure brg brg sume nak same . xleh laen sikit. huhu :)

kawan aku neh sgt cantek, ramai jek mamat mamat hensem tak hensem kt lua tuh nak usha die, haha. but die nih high taste okayh !!!! nak yg maket maket mcm abang die . hukhuk sorry yunk :) on the other hand, family die dh mcm family aku and family aku pon dh mcm family die. kalau pasal rumah dan bilik, xyah ckap lahh , mmg tuh rumah dan bilik kami. winkwink :*

actually kitorg start rapat from form 4 . mase tuh aku pon xthu caner leh rapat ngn die . die budak account, aku budak science stream jek , haaa one more, ktorg pge tusyen add math same same okayh. hehe :) i'm still remember ktorg study add math same same mase nak SPM arituh . but well, dh name pon xleh jmpe, mmg 23% jek study, yg laen laen gossip jea, haha =.=

korang nak tahu ke sape GFF aku neh ? takyah aa tahu . nnti korg berkenan lak kat die . hahaha okayh okayh aku bagitahuuu . jeng jeng jenggggg . .... . .. . . .. ..  .. . . the best GFF award goes tooooo ........ Ili Nurhuda binti Asri . yeahhhh she the gurl i keep talking in this entry .

cantek kan ? cantek kan ? kan kan kan ? angguk cepat !!!

she always dream to be a photographer .
i always for you my dear =.=

mixed chinese . i love you most !!!!

take note :-

  • aku sayang kau sangat sangat  
  • dengar cakap ayah ngn mama . jgn ingkar ckp diorg
  • jage diri baek baek if kite dh further study nnti
  • always remember me !!!
  • aku takot sangat aku luke kan hati kau lagi ... aku salu berdoa utk elakkan drpd kejadian yg dulu tuh berulang lagi. i don't want banana fruit two times.
  • kau pon jgn break my heart too :P
  • kalau dh senang jgn lupe aku .
  • kau jek kawan aku yg penah buad aku menanges gilegile punye. seriously
  • doakan aku berjaya. and i do the same thing
  • i know i wasn't good enough for you, but u are the best person tht was created by God to make me smile and brighter my world ever than before for every single fuckin day in my life :)

Sad ? You will later be happy. Alone ? You will later have company. Crying ? You will later smile.
 WHY because according to Newton, " for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. " 

" ya Allah , kuatkan lah persahabatan kami dgn keikhlasan, kejujuran dan kesabaran. jauhkan lah bisikan syaitan drpd kami. sesungguhnya aku tak mampu untuk kehilangan dirinya. "

the ordinary writer ,

Suka entry nie ? Like lah. Lagi baik komen sekali. Terima Kasih :)


iqvibration follower said...


Anonymous said...

siyes cntek..chomel2 bby gtu..huhu..

cik sakura :) said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kamu org dah terpikat dgn die ehhhh !!!! haha :)